Wednesday, April 1, 2020

March 31, 2020-A Late Blog For a Very Strange Season

Late blog but we are still functioning.The slow migration and of course the very fast moving virus have conspired to slow down hawk migration posts. We are continuing to monitor the hawk migration through Borrego Valley. So far we have become diligent concerning social distances. We will continue to watch for hawks in the evening and count them leaving the valley in the morning. We've only had a few days with a number of hawks. Thanks to all the folks that have kept our watch functioning during this trying time. Our hearts go out to those folks that are impacted by this awful

Since our last and only blog, March 17th we've had only three days with a number of migrants. March 19 was memorable because most of the hawks (581 Swainson's Hawks) kettled up at the same time. The massive kettle was quite visible from the count site. On March 29th we had a steady stream of hawks that totaled 374 at the end of the watch. Today, April 1, we had 114 late migrants that must have roosted east of Pegleg. Here is the address of a youtube from March 19. Also below are photos taken in the area.

Leaders for the past several days:
Hal Cohen
Pam Albers
Kirtland Smith
Candace Hess
Marilyn Dickson
Cory Laughlin
Laura Webb
Don White
Tracy Geernaert

Observers assisting the leaders:
Tommy Antel
Gary Hilton
Craig Johnson
Susan Plumb
Tony Rutigliano
Richard Shutler
Ken Smith
Ted Spriggs
Mark Stevens
Randy Lenon

New Sign Created by Craig Johnson
Adult Male Light Intermediate-HC
Social Distance at the Hawkwatch-Kirt Smith

LIght Morph Female Swainson's-Michael Schultz

Dark Morph-Michael Schultz

Tommy and Stella
Social Distance-Pam Albers
Prairie Falcon With Prey-Randy Lenon
Prairie Falcon-Randy Lenon
Prairie Falcon With Lizard-Randy Lenon

Prairie Falcon-Black Median Coverts Obvious-Randy Lenon

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17th 2020-The Hawkwatch Continues Despite the Virus

Borrego Springs is responding to the Coronavirus crisis as is the rest of the nation and world. For all of us at the hawkwatch, our hearts go out to those that are suffering from the virus and hardships that have been created. We are trying to continue monitoring the migration of Swainson's Hawks and at the same time remain safe. At both the day watch and evening watch we ask folks to not congregate on the hill. A sign is posted at the bottom of the day site hill indicating that only the leader and assistants should climb the hill. At the evening site we ask folks to maintain a respectful distance from each other and do not share scopes.

I will NOT be sending out ALERTS to 400 plus folks when we have enormous numbers of Swainson's Hawks in town. To curtail the spread of the virus we are trying to minimize travel to the area. However, the number of hawks recently has taken a nosedive. So travel to Borrego Springs for the hawks is a non-starter. I believe that a recent flower bloom with possible caterpillars in Organ Pipe National Park, Arizona and the contiguous biosphere park in Mexico have stalled migration. The Swainson's Hawks are probably gorging on the caterpillars (if present). I am trying to locate someone in the area of Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico with information concerning the possible food source.

Here are some recent photos of hawks that we observed last week.
Tuck Russell-SW feeding on Crane Flies

Tuck Russell-Feeding on Crane Flies

Tuck Russell

Hal With the Only Bird of Prey He Can Photograph

Kettle of Hawks-Karen Orso

Early Morning Gathering on Mesquite Dunes Before Migrating-Karen Orso

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch 2020-February 21-March 7

February 21-March 7, 2020-New Faces and Some Nice Swainson's Hawks

Date:               Leader:
February 21    Hal Cohen
February 22    Marilyn Dickson
February 23    Marilyn Dickson
February 24   Tracee Geerhaert
February 25    Candace Hess
February 26    Candace Hess
February 27    Laura Webb
February 28    Hal Cohen
February 29    Candace Hess
March 1           Laura Webb
March 2           Hal Cohen
March 3           Candace Hess
March 4           Tracee Geehaert
March 5           Laura Webb
March 6           Don White
March 7           Don White  

Feb. 21-0
Feb. 22-0
Feb. 23-1 Northern Harrier
Feb. 24-8 Swainson's Hawks (SW's)
Feb. 25-0
Feb. 26-0
Feb. 27-0
Feb. 29-6 SW's
March 1-0
March 2-5 SW's
March 3-0
March 4-271 SW's; 5 Turkey Vultures (TV's)
March 5-84 SW's; 2 TV's
March 6-25 SW's; 1 TV
March 7-351 SW's

The beginning of the season began with only a trickle of hawks, until March 4th. The evening of March 3 we witnessed a large kettle of hawks finally settling into the date farm. The evening of March 6th we watched two waves of approximately 250 hawks drop into an area near The Springs RV Park. The first you tube can be accessed at: 

On March 4th and 5th we watched several hawks aerial feeding on Crane Flies. Attached is a photo taken on March 7th. The flies are everywhere throughout the valley. The adult flies live for a few weeks and apparently do not feed but only mate. On March 7th a very strong NW wind got the hawks up early. The totals for 7th was 351 SW's

Evening Watch:
Saturday March-At least 47 SW's flew low directly over watchers at the hill

Sunday March 8th-migration of around 50 or more SW's. With the time change the hawks will probably begin to kettle and feed around 9am.

Adult Light Inermediate SW-Hal
The Day Watch-Hal
Date Farm-The Evening of March 7-Ted Springs

Tommy and Stella At the Evening Watch-Deborah Lebo

Jude-Our Youngest Watcher
Late Evening at the Night Watch-Kirt Smith