Hal Cohen
Swainson's Hawks-3
Yesterday evening we did not see a hawk drop into town. With this ominous sign we began today's watch. Only 3 Swanson's Hawks migrated today, one very close to the watch.
The hawkwatch will officially close after the count on April 1, 2018. We will continue to monitor hawks at the evening site on Borrego Valley Rd. If a number of hawks arrives in town we will inform folks.
I have been asked where the Date Farm (Evans Ranch) is located. The evening site as we call it is 1.7 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on Borrego Valley Rd. We meet there from around 5:30pm until dark. We will be winding down soon as the watch comes to an end. If you look at data from the past-Hawkcount.org you will see some action in early April. When accesses Hawkcount.org, hit monthly and then scroll down to Borrego Valley. You can check out our data starting in 2003.
Evening Watch:
Only 5 Swainson's Hawks observed this evening (March 29)
Light wind is predicted for tomorrow. Lift-off the few hawks in town will be late (8:30-9:30am).
Ready to Take Off-David Nevett |
Windblown-David Nevett |
Light Intermediate Morph-David Nevett |
Very Early Kettle-6:40AM-David Nevett |
Large Kettle-David Nevett |