Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Some Nice Swainson's Action Today

Directions to the day and evening watch sites:
Day Site-Drive east on Palm Canyon Drive to DiGiorgio Rd. Turn left (north and drive 2.8 miles to the morning site). We manage the site from 8A-11A through April 15th.
Evening Site-Drive east on Palm Canyon Rd to the 4-way stop at Borrego Valley Rd. Turn left (north and drive 1.8 miles to the evening site)-We are at the site from 5P-sundown.

Migration Today:
Subadult Golden Eagle
Swainson's Hawks-25
Turkey Vultures-24

Calm wind for most of the morning, cool with some high clouds, sunny. Besides the migrants, Redtails and a Harrier were spotted hunting. A Golden Eagle sat on a telephone pole a few miles south of the watch. First lift-off was just before 9A from Roadrunner RV Park (TV's) and the Date Farm. The SW's roosted at the date farm. Most of the raptors moved west then North using updrafts along the mountains rather than thermals.

Evening Watch:
3 Swainson's Hawks descended into the date farm this evening.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
We have a wind advisory through tomorrow. Gusts to 60mph are possible. Any Swainson's in the valley will probably depart at sunup.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Radioed Swainson's Are on the Move

Captured Swainson's Hawk from Borrego Springs

Migration Today-0

A very cool morning with no raptor movement. Exciting news however, the Swainson's Hawks with attached radio transmitters are on their way north. According to Jim Estep  "We downloaded data today and the furthest north is near Hermosillo, Mexico.  They're still stretched out as far south as Columbia, but it looks like they're moving pretty fast. The first of them should cross the US border in a day or two". Hopefully we'll be lucky and one or more will work their way into Borrego Valley. 

The Swainson's Hawk pictured here was captured in Borrego Springs a few years ago. This hawk was part of a research project (not related to the work described above). 

I need to amend comments made on Feb 21 about the recently captured Swainson's Hawks. The radio's were attached to birds on their breeding grounds in Sacramento Valley, not in Mexico to Bolivia. They have been tracked since last summer to locations from Central Mexico to Bolivia where they were wintering until recently. 

Evening Watch:
8 TV's settled along Palm Canyon Drive. Eight Swainson's Hawks dropped into the date farm. Of interest is a call from one of our leaders concerning a sighting of TV's and SW's near Tamarisk Grove at 12:30PM. These could be the same birds. 

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Light wind will greet the valley early. Increasing winds during the day and into the evening. Gusts to 50 mph are predicted tomorrow night. If we don't have a windy beginning tomorrow, expect lift-off between 8 and 9A.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Hawkwatch Blog Delivered by e-mail

Migration Today:

If you scroll down to the bottom of the blogs you will see "Follow by e-mail". Put your e-mail into the box and submit it after doing the funny letters. You will get a confirmation in your e-mail. Hit the confirmation and soon you will get the blogs delivered to you. I don't know if the blog is timely however. Will an ALERT of hundreds of hawks get to you right away? We'll see.

If you hit the address below you can see information about the fine program that will highlight the hawkwatch this spring. LuAnn Thompson will be televising several aspects of the hawkwatch to classrooms throughout Southern California. The Hawkathon last year helped raise money for the program.

Only 6 TV's migrated today in a mostly cloudy windy cool day.

Evening Watch:
On a rainy cold evening we did get good looks at two dark morph Swainson's Hawks and 6 incoming Turkey Vultures.

Prediction for tomorrow:
The rain and wind should diminish by daybreak. Light winds are predicted for tomorrow with temps in the low 60's. The two SW's and the TV's will probably move early if there is wind.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hopeful for a Migration Tomorrow Evening

Come on In-TV- Palm Canyon Drive 2/26/12

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-7
Red-tailed Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-19

Sunny and warm conditions continued today. Wind was 5mph from the southeast. The Western and Mountain Bluebirds were observed again from the watch. One of the 6 crows that have been seen often, returned for a flyby. Swainson's Hawks beat the TV's for lift-off from the date farm a 8:45A. Small kettles of TV's came up from the date farm at 9:15A and the Roadrunner RV park. A few of the raptors, including Swainson's came close to the watch. Our first flying ant was spotted as well.

Evening Watch:
No apparent incoming raptors this evening.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
The wind should pick up tonight into tomorrow night. Gusts to 60mph are expected. Often on windy days several raptors will descend into the valley. Although nothing came in this evening, tomorrow evening could be eventful.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some action today/Still waiting for Swainson's Hawks

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Red-tailed Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-33

The weather began at 60 degrees and finished at 80. No clouds today and calm wind becoming breezy by 10 from the west. Lift-off at 8:30A-the SW's moved quickly out of the valley. The TV's lifted off at 8:55A. The Redtail and another group of TV's took off at 9:30A.

Evening Watch:
Four dark morph Swainson's Hawks flew into the date farm. No other activity. A later amendment:
6 additional SW's and 7 Turkey Vultures were spotted in the area by another watcher. They also put down in the date farm.

Prediction for tomorrow:
It looks like the heavy wind forecast for tomorrow will arrive in the evening through Monday. Perhaps with the weather shake up we will get some good hawk migration. We will be looking for the few hawks that came in plus hopeful surprises.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hot Weather/Calm conditions/Few Hawks

Migration Today:
Turkey Vultures-3

Dark Morph Swainson's Hawk
It has been a very slow 3 days, thus, no blog. If you see a blank day, hit and hit Monthly Summaries, scroll down to Borrego Valley and you will get an account of hawks observed if any. It's also fun to compare other months and years. For example, if you look at the past 8 years of February data, the average for the month of Feb. is around 175. This is a very small part of the seasonal totals.

The calm, hot weather probably has been an influence as well. It is even possible that conditions are good for high altitude flights. So, we might have a migration that we are not viewing.

Evening Watch:
This evening at 5PM over 30 TV's flew into the back of the date farm. Two Swainson's Hawks flew into the date farm and were viewed from the evening watch. Perhaps things will begin to liven up.

Prediction for tomorrow:
Another warm day in the 80's predicted for tomorrow. Light winds will slow the departure of the TV's and SW's. Expect lift-off between 9A and 10A. Check in at the day site on DiGiorgio Rd (2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive) for more information. Joe Hopkins is our leader tomorrow. Rose, our best eyes has arrived in town today and will certainly help us increase the number of hawks observed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Exciting News About 11 Hawks With Satellite Transmitters

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-5

The sky was clear with calm wind and warming to 70's today. Hopefully we will have a weather shakeup soon to bring in some hawks. It appears that the TV's lifted off from the Borrego Ranch area (formally La Casa Del Zorro). The SW was a dark morph and it flew directly over the watch.

We had some good news concerning 11 captured adult Swainson's Hawks in 2011. They have been outfitted with satellite radio transmitters. The research biologist, Jim Estep has indicated that he will share information about the hawks as they migrate, north. The hawks were captured from Central Mexico to Bolivia. Will they pass this way or even roost in Borrego Springs? We're talking about 11 hawks out of a total population of close to 1 million! Maybe we will win the lotto. The map to the right shows migration of Swainson's Hawks that were outfitted with tracking devices in a research study.

Evening Watch:
Only 2 TV's were spotted coming in to roost at the date farm.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Again, we anticipate only a few TV's migrating tomorrow. The weather will be in the 80's with calm wind. Very warm for February.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Slow migration the past 2 days

No migration Sunday Feb 19
Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Turkey Vultures-3

Sunset at 5:50PM 2/20/12
Migration is slow but the season is young. The sky was good for viewing high migrants. A slight breeze with 80% cloud cover. We are in a warming trend with temps in the low 70's today and 80's by Wednesday. Today we had lots of eyes and few migrants. The TV's lifted off from the date farm at 9:34A. The Swainson's Hawks flew in from an unknown location at 10:06A. Of interest is the information we got yesterday afternoon from a ranger located about 15 miles east of our hawk site. At least 19 TV's and a few SW's were observed in Ocotillo Wells, moving in a westerly direction. We may have observed these SW's and the TV's may still be in the area.

Evening Watch:
No hawks came into roost this evening, however one Swainson's Hawk was spotted in tamarisks on DiGiorgio Rd. The sunsets make up for the lack of hawks.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Again, it looks like a slow day tomorrow.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Very Little Migration Today

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawk-1

Sunny and bright today with temps in the 60's, warming into the 70's. Light wind. Only 1 Swainson's Hawk was spotted perched in a Tamarisk along DiGiorgio Rd. It took flight and migrated northwest through Coyote Canyon.

Evening Watch:
Only 1 Turkey Vulture came into roost this evening.

Not much to report. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of more Swainson's Hawks.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch Friday Feb. 17, 2012-No Migration Today

Partial Albino Red-tailed Hawk with another Redtail
Migration Today:

Last season we had migration of raptors every day. Today was the first 0 day in two seasons. The still air, and very sunny sky may have contributed to the lack or migrants. A crow (first of the year) was observed from the watch site. It looks like a  Loggerhead Shrike has taken up residence near the site. Both Mountain and Western Bluebirds continue to feed across the road from the day site. Yesterday I talked about a Krider's Red-tailed Hawk observed in Palm Canyon. With a closer look it appears to be a partial albino Red-tailed Hawk

Evening Watch: 
Another evening without apparent migration into the valley.

Prediction For Tomorrow:
Once again our expectation of migrating hawks is low. Perhaps the front that came through on Tuesday and Wednesday has held up the movement of hawks through Mexico. It is still very early in the season.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch Thursday Feb. 16, 2012-No apparent Raptors this evening

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-3
Turkey Vultures-23

All of the migrants moved in a NW direction. There are still several Mountain Bluebirds foraging across from the day site on DiGiorgio. The weather today was partly to mostly cloudy in the low 60's. A very light Krider's Redtail Hawk was observed in Palm Canyon Today.

Evening Watch:
No apparent migration in the valley this evening. Over 350 Ravens are using the date farm roost site. Our first Robin of the year perched across the street from the watch.

With the absence of migrating hawks this evening we do not expect many raptors tomorrow. However from past experience, we have been surprised.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Borrego Valley Hawkwatch Wed. February 15, 2012 Evening washout

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-17
Turkey Vultures-7
Swainson's Hawk reaching for a flying ant

A kettle of Swainson's Hawks and Turkey Vultures began to rise from the date farm at 8:40AM. Winds were light and increasing by 9AM. The raptors streamed to the northwest through Coyote Canyon. By 9:15AM the SW's and TV's were gone.

Evening Watch:
A steady rain halted any migration into the valley this evening. The valley needs a night of rain to prompt our annual plants to germinate. Also, a rain followed by some sun will stimulate ant colonies to swarm. Swainson's Hawks feast on flying ants. Beginning now through the middle of March, swarms contribute to the hawks diet. A good flower season promotes a healthy sphinx moth season. The SW's will feed heavily on caterpillars. Last season the SW's feasted on grasshoppers, another abundant insect in the valley.

After the rain we may see a late morning migration tomorrow. Predictions are for continued rain through the morning.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012 Migration Today-Opening of the Hawk Season

Migration Today:
Red-tailed Hawks-4
Red-tailed Hawk Borrego Springs Road 2/14/2012
Swainson's Hawks-20
Turkey Vultures-43

Shortly after 8A this morning we recorded the first Swainson's sighting of the season. 2 SW's and 4 Red-tailed Hawks were observed kettling up near Henderson Canyon Rd. and Borrego Valley Rd. At 8:40A several Turkey Vultures and Swainson's Hawks begin to lift off southeast of Big Horn and Borrego Springs Rd. Another group begin to kettle up near The Springs RV park. The raptors moved northwest toward Coyote Canyon.

Evening Watch:
At 4:30P 7 Turkey Vultures dropped into the date farm on Borrego Valley Rd. 14 Swainson's Hawks were spotted at 5P and finally settled into the date farm as well.

Our first official count day will most likely begin with kettling hawks and TV's between 8A and 9A. You have the option of seeing the raptors from the evening site on Borrego Valley Rd 1 1/2 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive. This location is across the road from the date farm. Another viewing site would be at the junction of Big Horn and DiGiorgio Rd. Or come to the day site where experienced watchers will be located. The day site is 2.8 miles north of Palm Canyon Drive on DiGiorgio Rd. If it is windy expect an early departure. The day site has a leader every day from 8A-11A. Most often migration takes place before by 9A.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hawkwatch Training session-February 24, 2012

The training session described in the previous blog did not give the location. We will meet at 10:00AM in the Discovery Lab of the Visitors Center at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. The center is located in Borrego Springs, CA. If you need directions from your location, send me an e-mail.

If you have binoculars, please bring them. We will be going outside at the conclusion to visit the day and evening sites.

Thanks, and see you soon,

Dark Morph Swainson's Hawk

Friday, February 10, 2012

We Need Your Eyes-Join us February 24th to learn about the Hawkwatch

Introduction to Hawkwatching at Borrego Valley Hawkwatch-Basics for volunteers to help count raptors February 15-April 15

The Borrego Valley Hawkwatch is looking for volunteers to assist our leaders to count hawks as they migrate through the valley. This training session will be an introduction to hawkwatching and techniques for counting migrating hawks. Every evening beginning February 14, a leader and volunteers observe hawks as they migrate into Borrego Valley. The following day the leader and volunteers count the hawks as they depart the valley. Information gathered is tabulated and sent to Hawk Migration Association of North America. The count information becomes part of a data base. We have been gathering data since 2003. This year we will mark our 10th year of counting. Join us at 10AM Friday February 24th to learn how to identify and count hawks. Our objective is to train new watchers to assist our leaders. We count hawks every day February 15-April 15. All you need is a pair of eyes, a pair of binoculars and a day commitment. Our evening site time begins 1 1/2 hours before sunset. Our day site time is 8AM-11AM. In the photo above are 3 Swainson's Hawks Morphs (genetic variation)

For more information contact me at

See you soon,



Friday, February 3, 2012

Turkey Vulture Migration-February 3, 2012

This TV on DiGiorgio Rd today welcomes visitors to the hawkwatch.
Turkey Vultures (TV's) are moving through Borrego Valley almost daily. Today, 10 TV's were found roosting near The Springs RV park. We are still waiting for the arrival of the first Swainson's Hawk.

Hawkwatch Volunteer Training Session-We Need Your Eyes

On Friday February 24, a training session for new volunteers will take place at the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Visitors Center. Join us at 10A. Beginners are welcome. Contact Hal at if you need more information.