Swainson's Hawks-1
Turkey Vultures-5
The sky was clear with calm wind and warming to 70's today. Hopefully we will have a weather shakeup soon to bring in some hawks. It appears that the TV's lifted off from the Borrego Ranch area (formally La Casa Del Zorro). The SW was a dark morph and it flew directly over the watch.
We had some good news concerning 11 captured adult Swainson's Hawks in 2011. They have been outfitted with satellite radio transmitters. The research biologist, Jim Estep has indicated that he will share information about the hawks as they migrate, north. The hawks were captured from Central Mexico to Bolivia. Will they pass this way or even roost in Borrego Springs? We're talking about 11 hawks out of a total population of close to 1 million! Maybe we will win the lotto. The map to the right shows migration of Swainson's Hawks that were outfitted with tracking devices in a research study.
Evening Watch:
Only 2 TV's were spotted coming in to roost at the date farm.

Again, we anticipate only a few TV's migrating tomorrow. The weather will be in the 80's with calm wind. Very warm for February.
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