Swainson's Hawks-102
Turkey Vultures-1
High clouds, warm (upper 70's) with a slight breeze. By 9:30A 50 Swainson's moved through the valley. Most coming up from Ellis Farm and points to the east. At 11A a kettle of SW's began to form to the north, just below Toro Peak. The kettle grew and birds began to stream through Coyote Canyon. New SW's from the east came into view. Some Swainson's came in from the south as well. The second wave probably roosted near highway 78 and arrived late.
Saul Miller creates cartoons for the The Borrego Sun |
Do the Swainson's Hawks eat rabbits? Yes, but only on the breeding grounds. Borrego Bunnies are safe.
Evening Watch:
Only a handful of Swainson's this evening. Some going to the Date Farm and a few roosting at Ellis Farm.
Prediction for Tomorrow:
Hopefully we will have another surprise fly-in of Swainson's Hawks. Light wind should keep the hawks in until around 9A. Best place to view from will be the day count site on Di Giorgio Road.
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