Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9-Still Some Action Today

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-85
Turkey Vultures-61

Perched Swainson's Hawk in a Tamarisk Tree on Henderson Canyon Road
Weather was clear with some broken clouds, calm wind and warming into the 80's. Lift off from the Fun Farm and fields to the north and the Date Farm. Kettles up to 30 formed and then the hawks streamed as they moved north past the day site then northwest through Coyote Canyon. The Turkey Vultures mixed in with the SW's as they made their way out of the valley.

How can we help with an understanding of the migration route of Swainson's Hawks? Well, I have just begun to put SW migration sightings (not breeding sites) in California on a map. Anyone can contribute information with the number, time and date of Swainson's observations. Send the information to me (Hal) at

Evening Watch:
A beautiful evening and no apparent migration.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Unless their is a late arrival this evening not much of a migration is expected. However, the wind is picking up and arrivals to the south and east may present themselves.

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