Swainson's Hawks-39
Turkey Vultures-1
Swainson's Hawk flying to the moon-Ray Spence April 3, 2012 |
Migration April 6:
Swainson's Hawks-26
Zone-tailed Hawk-1
Turkey Vultures-7
Weather was cool, 60 F, wind was calm with high clouds. First lift-off at 8:20A from the east. Once again we began to see small kettles just below Toro Peak. It appears that most of the hawks are coming in from the east/southeast along Coyote Mountain before kettling below Toro. We watched a hawk move from the Date Farm area, at a distance identifying it as a Turkey Vulture. As it approached it became apparent that it was buteo size with a bigger head. The body was blackish with white primaries (similar pattern to a TV), the tail had a dark subterminal band.
Evening Watch:
A beautiful calm evening with a drop-in. At 6:30P we watched a lone Swainson's Hawk fly from Ellis going south. It joined a large group of streaming hawks going toward Ellis Farm. In all I counted 65 birds before they dropped into Ellis. I
Prediction for Tomorrow:
Calm conditions will keep the hawks in late. Lift-off between 8:15-9A from Ellis Farm. Expect anywhere from 65-100 Swainson's Hawks. Best viewing will be from the day site and Henderson Canyon Road where it intersects Borrego Valley Road.
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