Swainson's Hawks-23
Weather today was calm and warm-65-85 degrees with high clouds and light breeze. The first lift off was at 9:05A from the Date Farm. At 10:15A more SW's appeared from the southeast and more at 10:15A west of the watch site. The later arrivals probably roosted further from the day site.
Coming in to roost late |
Evening Watch:
At 6:15P the first kettle came in with around 28 Swainson's. Soon another small group came in. It appears that the 40 or so SW's have settled into Ellis Farm. At 6:45P a mass of Swainson's Hawks appeared to the west. They grew and began to kettle looking like a tornado. They finally touched down in the back of the Date Farm and probably on Tamarisks west of Di Giorgio Rd. Too many to count. Wild estimates of 350-600 Swainson's Hawks totally.
Prediction for Tomorrow: The predicted wind for tomorrow will start late hopefully. Lift-off at 8:15A-9:30A with best observation points on Di Giorgio Road north of The Springs RV Park. Also on Di Giorgio Road near Big Horn. Expect huge kettles.
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