Friday, March 30, 2012

Maybe Tonight? Yes!!!-ALERT-MEGA KETTLE

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-23

Weather today was calm and warm-65-85 degrees with high clouds and light breeze. The first lift off was at 9:05A from the Date Farm. At 10:15A more SW's appeared from the southeast and more at 10:15A west of the watch site. The later arrivals probably roosted further from the day site.

Coming in to roost late
Is the season coming to a close? Well, the migration through our valley has slowed down. However, there is mounting evidence that Swainson's Hawks are moving through other areas. Another radioed hawk has crossed the border and moved northwest on the east side of the Salton Sea. At least 60 SW's were sighted at Joshua Tree National Park the other day. Another dozen were seen near Holtsville, CA. So the short answer is no, the hawks are moving but not through Borrego Springs. UPDATE-WE HAVE A WAVE of SWAINSON'S

Evening Watch:
At 6:15P the first kettle came in with around 28 Swainson's. Soon another small group came in. It appears that the 40 or so SW's have settled into Ellis Farm. At 6:45P a mass of Swainson's Hawks appeared to the west. They grew and began to kettle looking like a tornado. They finally touched down in the back of the Date Farm and probably on Tamarisks west of Di Giorgio Rd. Too many to count. Wild estimates of 350-600 Swainson's Hawks totally.

Prediction for Tomorrow: The predicted wind for tomorrow will start late hopefully. Lift-off at 8:15A-9:30A with best observation points on Di Giorgio Road north of The Springs RV Park. Also on Di Giorgio Road near Big Horn. Expect huge kettles.

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