Sunday, March 4, 2012

Slow Day With Some Migration

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-2
Turkey Vultures-9
PORTS Truck 
Northern Harrier-1

Clear, sunny and a light wind from the southeast. Air temperature rising from 60's to near 80 by 11AM. Lift-off of Turkey Vultures at 9:30A probably from Roadrunner Club. Two Swainson's Hawks observed to the north at 9:45P. Just after 10A more TV's and a Northern Harrier were spotted moving northwest through Coyote Canyon. Probably the most exciting event was the flyby of two crows. Pictured to the right is LuAnn with the park truck used for the PORTS program. LuAnn will be broadcasting from the hawkwatch to schools throughout southern California.

Evening Watch:
A warm evening with only 10 Turkey Vultures dropping into the Roadrunner Club.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Continued warm weather (upper 80's) tomorrow. Expect some migration late (after 9A) unless some wind gets the TV's up early.

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