Looking west at Indian Head Peak this evening |
Although the rain didn't begin until this afternoon, we had no migration today. Presently it is windy, cloudy and rainy. By Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week, we should see a nice migration.
How are the statistics this year compared to the past 9 years? As of today we have had 1,220 Swainson's Hawks and 579 Turkey Vultures. This is the second best year at this time for Swainson's numbers. Last year we had 1,696 SW's by March 17. More than 75% of the Swainson's counted in a season, show up between March 17 and the end of the season. So, most of the Swainson's Hawks are on the way.

No watch this evening. The photo above was taken at 6P looking west. Tomorrow morning the peaks behind Indian Head will be white with snow.
Prediction for Tomorrow:
Rain should continue through the night (locals love it). Conditions will improve and perhaps tomorrow evening we will have incoming raptors.
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