Sunday, March 17, 2013

Big Day Today-844 Swainson's Hawks-March 17, 2013

Hal Cohen
Assisted by: Rose Leong, Laura Webb, Pam Albers and Joe Hopkins

Migration Today:
Swainson's Hawks-844
Peregrine Falcon-1

On a clear day with warming temperatures into the 80's we watched lift off from the west side of the Date Farm at 6:35A. Two very large kettles of over 500 SW's finally came together as the hawks streamed north then northwest. They meandered about before departing the valley. We thought we were finished for the day when small kettles began to form from the south. We had kettles totaling almost 300 additional Swainson's leave through Coyote Canyon from 9-11A.

Evening Watch:
At 6:30P we spotted over 100 Swainson's Hawks and a few TV's high above the Date Farm. By 6:50P they had descended into the Eucalyptus in the Farm. One hundred might be the low count.

Prediction for Tomorrow:
Once again we are faced with a forecast of diminishing wind however it is tough to forecast the wind in a specific area of Borrego Valley or at a specific time. If the wind abates by 6A the hawks will stay put. If the wind continues beyond 6A, look for an early lift off. Expect more than 100 hawks to take flight.

Where to Watch:
Tomorrow a good place to watch lift off will once again be on Di Giorgio Rd and Big Horn and further north, including the Hill (official count site) just south of Henderson Canyon Rd. Look for cars on Di Giorgio.

A Stream of Swainson's Hawks above the Hawkwatch-3/17/13-HC

The Stream Beginning to Spin Creating a Kettle-3/17/13-HC

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